Your dashboard: Firm Insights

Your TaxDome Insights page displays everything that currently needs your attention, like pending client activity, your jobs and tasks or those of your team members, etc. Plus, you’ll see your team stats! What's more, you can configure this page to your liking at any time.

Covered here:

Insights overview

By default, the Insights page consists of four main widgets:

  1. Jobs: this widget is available for all team members. It contains information on jobs for the specified team member. By default, it will display information for your jobs only.
  2. Tasks: to do: this widget is available for all team members. It contains information on tasks for the specified employee, along with start dates and due dates. By default, it will display information on your tasks for today.
  3. Pending client activity: this widget is available for all team members. It contains information on pending actions from the clients that the specified team member follows. By default, it will display information for your clients only.
  4. Team summary: this widget is available for the Firm Owner and Admin roles only (see more on roles here). It shows how many tasks or jobs the selected team members have. By default, it will display information for your tasks only.

All these widgets can be configured to your liking. Click here to learn how to configure the Insights page.

Jobs widget

The Jobs widget helps you track jobs. An employee always sees the stats for their ongoing work.

A Firm Owner and Admin can select a team member whose jobs will be displayed. If they want to track jobs for two or more team members, they can add as many Jobs widgets as they need.

This widget contains one drop-down list and four blocks:

  1. Assignee specifies whose jobs should be displayed. This selection is available for the Firm Owner and Admin only. When All members is selected, the widget will show jobs for all employees.
  2. Overdue shows how many overdue jobs are assigned to the selected employee.
  3. Approaching deadline shows how many jobs, assigned to the selected employee are approaching the deadline. This section can display Jobs that have a deadline Today, Tomorrow, Day after tomorrow and In a week.
  4. No activity: shows how many jobs been unchanged for a specific number of days. Here you can select whether to show jobs without activity for Over 3 days, Over 1 week and Over 1 month.
  5. Total shows the total number of jobs assigned to the selected employee.

Clicking on a specific block will open the list of jobs filtered by Job assignee and Job status on a new page:

Tasks: to do widget

The Tasks: to do widget shows the list of tasks for a certain day grouped by priorities. From here, it's possible to view and change Task priorities, Statuses and Due dates.

An employee always sees the stats for their work.

A Firm Owner and Admin can select a team member whose tasks will be displayed. If they want to track tasks for two or more team members, they can add as many Tasks: to do widgets as they need.

  1. Date allows you to choose which day's tasks you want to see. You can pick from options This week, This month or create a custom range by selecting two specific dates.
  2. Assignee specifies whose tasks should be displayed. This selection is available for the Firm Owner and Admin only. When All members is selected, the widget shows tasks for all employees.
  3. Calendar view opens the calendar view filtered by Task Assignee on a new page.
  4. Tasks contains a list of tasks grouped by their priority: Overdue, Urgent, High, Medium and Low. Clicking the All overdue/urgent/high/medium/low link will open the list of tasks filtered by Task assignee and Task priority on a new page:

5. Chart view displays all remaining tasks for the specified date with priorities.

Pending client activity widget

The Pending client activity Widget displays invoices, organizers, signatures, proposals and approvals awaiting an action from the client, assigned to the specified team member.

An employee always sees the stats for them.

A Firm Owner and Admin can select a team member whose assigned client activity will be displayed. If they want to track client activity for two or more team members, they can add as many Pending client activity widgets as they need.

  1. Assignee specifies whose tasks should be displayed. This selection is available for the Firm Owner and Admin only. When All members is selected, the widget will show clients for all employees.
  2. Invoices shows how many invoices are pending for a certain team member.
  3. Organizers shows how many organizers are pending for clients assigned to a certain team member.
  4. Signatures shows how many documents are pending for clients assigned to a certain team member.
  5. Proposals shows how many proposals are pending for clients assigned to a certain team member.
  6. Approvals shows how many documents are pending for clients assigned to a certain team member.

Clicking on a specific block opens the list of clients filtered by Team member and Activity status on a new page:

Team summary widget

The Team summary widget allows you to analyze the workload and efficiency of your employees. This widget is available for Firm Owner and Admin only. If you want to see both jobs and tasks simultaneously, you can add two widgets of this type with different settings.

  1. Activity specifies which type of team activity should be displayed: Jobs or Tasks.
  2. Assignee specifies whose tasks or jobs should be displayed. You can select up to 10 team members to display.
  3. Chart view displays all tasks or jobs for the specified team members.

Configuring Insights

You can add or remove widgets at any time. Your Insights page may include several widgets of one type showing data for different team members.

To do so, click the Edit widgets link on the top of the page. This will transfer you to the editing mode:

In this mode, you can add, move and delete widgets:

  • To add the widget, click Add widget and select the widget you want to add in the sidebar. The widget will be added to the top of the page:

  • To delete the widget, click the Trash icon to the far right of it:

  • To move the widget, click and hold six dots on the top left of it and move the widget to another place:

When you have finished configuring your Insights page, click Finish editing to exit the editing mode.

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