TaxDome アカデミーFAQ

Do you have questions about TaxDome Academy? Find the answers in our FAQ!

  1. アカデミーへのログイン方法を教えてください。
  2. アカデミーのコースは誰が受講できますか?
  3. 値段はいくらですか?
  4. Do I need a TaxDome account to take the courses and quizzes?
  5. コースはどのように受講するのですか?
  6. コースはどのような内容ですか?
  7. 1コースの所要時間は?
  8. コース修了後は何が得られますか?
  9. 証明書はどこにありますか?
  10. なぜ証明書が必要なのですか?
  11. 証明書をソーシャルメディアで共有するには?
  12. コースはいくつありますか?
  13. すでに利用可能なコースは?
  14. In which order should I pass the courses?
  15. どの言語で受講できますか?
  16. How do I reset my password
  17. このFAQにない質問がある場合は?


If you are logged in TaxDome portal, you don't need to enter anything else! Otherwise, use the email address and password for your TaxDome portal login.


Whether you are a trial or subscribed user — you can check out the Academy, take the free courses and enhance your TaxDome skills in less than an hour!


Tuition is free at TaxDome Academy. How about that?!

4. Do I need a TaxDome account to take the courses and quizzes?

Yes, you do. Don't have one? Register as a TaxDome trial user (at no cost either) so you can test out your new skills!


Log in to the Academy, then choose a course from the curriculum. Each course contains short instructions on how to take it and get a certificate of completion. Some courses are gathered in folders as sets.




Each one should take no longer than an hour and a half.


You’ll get a ton of new skills and be able to set up your TaxDome account so that you get the most out of our automations for your practice—plus, a certificate of completion, because you rock!




It’s an acknowledgment of your full command of TaxDome. Plus, add the unique certificate link to the list of services you provide or share it on social media. And you know that section on résumés that says “Special Skills”? You can pop it in there too!







Currently, we offer:

14. In which order should I pass the courses?

You are free to pass courses in any order, but here's our recommended order:

1. Quick setup:

2. Document management:

3. Collect client info easily with organizers

4. Manage your team and enhance collaboration

5. Workflow automation:

6. Client communication:

7. Bookkeeping in TaxDome

8. Tax preparation in TaxDome

9. Payroll in TaxDome

15. What languages is the academy available in?

Right now we offer all our courses in the English academy and the first course in eight localized academies:

16. How do I reset my password

Forgot your password or need to change it? On the login screen, click Forgot Your Password?, then enter your email and click Send Instructions. The password reset link will be sent to your email.

17. What if I have a question that isn’t in this FAQ?


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