
When you are transferring files from another system, your team and clients might receive notifications for hundreds of new files that are actually not new. Here, we will tell you how to mark docs as read to resolve that.


Mark docs as read for team members

You can mark a single document as read, and you can also mark multiple documents as read in bulk. Once you mark files as read, they will no longer have the green  New label for any of your team members:

  • To mark as read in bulk: choose a client from the Documents page or go to the Docs tab of the client's account page, then select files or folders and click Mark as read. This works with a single file or folder as well.

  • To mark one doc as read: from the Documents page or the Docs tab of the client's account page, click the three dots to the right of the document and select Mark as read.

Mark docs as read for client

文書がクライアントのために既読にマークされると、[待機中]アクションの [NEW]バッジと通知が表示されなくなります。また、[ドキュメント]メニューの緑色のカウンターもカウントされません。

This feature cannot be used with the following: 

  • Documents stored in folders with a Private access level
  • 承認待ちの書類
  • Documents pending payment
  • 署名待ちの書類

You can mark docs as read for client in two ways:

From the Web app

Select the checkbox to the left of the documents you want to mark as read, then click Mark as read for client above the list. Or select a folder so that all the documents inside it become read. 


Right-click on a document in TaxDome Drive and select  Mark as read for client.


Tip: You can mark documents as read when you upload them via the TaxDome portal. Here's more on uploading.

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