Stripe 統合(基本):Google Payの支払い方法を追加する

TaxDome offers a variety of ways for clients to pay—credit/debit card, electronic check/bank transfer, and even cash (if a client prefers paying in person). Here, we show you how to set up Google Pay, which allows your clients to send payments to your Stripe account from TaxDome using the cards saved to their Google account.



Google Pay allows clients to pay using the cards saved to their Google account. This method doesn't share actual card numbers with TaxDome or Stripe despite the fact that all transactions are processed the same as with card payments. 


Stripe charges the same rate for processing Google Pay as for any card transactions, and there is no additional fee from Google.

Step 1: Check that Google Pay is enabled for Stripe


Attention! Stripe will only show Google Pay when you show pricing in a supported currency and use a supported payment flow.

Google Pay is enabled on Stripe by default. To check, go to your Stripe Dashboard, then check the Wallets section. 

Step 2: Set up Stripe on Taxdome

After everything is set on Stripe, make sure of the following on your TaxDome portal:

  1. You’ve connected your Stripe account to TaxDome. Here's more on connecting to Stripe.
  2. Your default payment provider is Stripe. Go to Settings Integrations from the left menu bar. For more details, read about selecting a provider for payments.
  3. 銀行引き落としクレジットカード、銀行引き落としのいずれかの支払い方法を「支払い」タブで選択します。これは、会社のオーナーまたは管理者のみが行うことができます。



 支払い画面にGoogle Payのオプションが表示されます。

クライアントは、Google Payオプションを選択し、支払い方法を選択し、確認する必要があります。

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